
Meet Our Heads of Company Relations


The Head of Company Relations at GADDEN 2024 is Fredrik Myrhman, Ida Wikner, and Sophie Nilsson. Together, they ensure that our fair remains a premier destination for companies seeking meaningful opportunites to reach out to students attending the fair.

They are also in charge of all communications with our exhibiting companies before and during the fair to make sure that everything runs smoothly.


Are you a company that would like to know more about our fair?

Feel free to contact our Heads of Company Relations at

Fredrik Myhrman:

070 624 80 66

Ida Wikner:

076 311 54 72


073 928 45 15

Hugo Törnqvist 

Company representative

070 294 14 13

Meet our Company representative

Hugo Törnqvist works alongside Fredrik Myrhman, Ida Wikner, and Sophie Nilsson to ensure seamless communication with all exhibiting companies at GADDEN 2024. As part of the Company Relations team, Hugo plays a key role in supporting our Heads of Company Relations in communicating with our exhibiting companies.